2024 Women Helping Women Donors and Sponsors
Thank you to our generous sponsors and donors who helped the 26th Annual Women Helping Women event raise nearly $290,000! Your contribution ensures mental health services for women, children and families who are uninsured or underinsured.
Presenting Sponsors – $10,000+
Carol Bodensteiner, in memory of Teree Caldwell-Johnson
Barbara and Michael Gartner
Susan and Carl Voss
Sally Wallace
Leadership Sponsors – $5,000
Supporting Sponsor – $2,500
Pamela Bass-Bookey
Jann Freed and John Fisher, in memory of Paula Duncan
La Donna and Rich Matthes
Shirley Poertner
Rachel Stauffer
Sally Wood
Kathi Zimpleman
Contributing Sponsor – $1,500
Barbara Beatty
Debbie Hubbell
Trudy Holman Hurd
Martha James
Susan and Bill Knapp
Nancy Main
Todd and Sue Mattison
D.J. Newlin
Jennifer Lock Oman, in memory of Ellie Glazer Ziegler
Jill Oman
Mary M. Riche
Janis Ruan
Rebecca Shaw, in memory of Dr. Deb Turner
Nan Stubbs, in memory of Iola Tollakson
Michele Whitty
Special Friends – $1,000
Amega Garage Door & Opener, Inc.
Joan Betts
Suzie Glazer Burt, in memory of Ellie Glazer Ziegler
Nora and Dave Everett, in honor of Jill Everett
Shayla From
Rosalie Gallagher
Sharon Goldford, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Mary Gottschalk
Leslie Heimbach
Judy Akre Heseman
Starr Hinrichs
Ann and Tom Holme
Joanie Houston
Andrea James
Jewish Federation of Greater Des Moines
Kate and Andy Juelfs
Robbie G. Malm
Claudette and P.J. McDonald
Brenda Mouw
Pauline and William Niebur
Barb and Andy Nish, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Noreen O’Shea
Lynsey Oster
Leigh OTool
Marilyn Parsons
Katie Patton
Linda Rullan
Jackie Saunders
Diana Sickles
Kathleen K Stahl
Sarah and Andy Susanin, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Marti Wade
Dr. Teri Wahlig
Meg Whitty
Kim and Rich Willis
Judy Winkelpleck
Alan Zuckert
Leader Plus – $500
Stephanie Asklof
Connie Beasley
Margo and Don Blumenthal
Nicole Boyington
Annie S. Brandt
Suzan Kelsey Brooks
Alicia and David Claypool
Cynde Cronin
Delta Dental of Iowa
Sondra Eddings
Denise Essman, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Jamie Fitzgerald
Jane Fogg
Diane Glass and Jeff Means, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Rachel Hardin
Sarah Hayes, M.D.
Kathleen Hoegh, in honor of Dr. Mark Minear
Michelle Hogan
Denise J.A. Holck, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Dr. Alexandra Hubbell
ITA Group Foundation
Laura and Roger Jacobsen
Anne M. Kelly
Kemin Industries
Linda Koehn
Cyril Mandelbaum
Lorraine May
Cathy McMullen and Don Worrell
Liz Neumann
Jeanne O’Halloran
Donna L. Paulsen and Thomas E. Press
Stephanie Pearl
Jackie Romp
Patrice Sayre
Susan Moritz Scharnberg
Brenda and Jaey Sedlacek
Barbara Sherman
Kendra Simmons
Terri Mork Speirs
Sarah Sullivan
Char Vukovich
Linda Weidmaier
Your Part-Time Controller
Leaders – $250
Aimee/Amy Hassebrock
Anonymous (3)
Susan Ackelson
Nancy Adrianse, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Cindy Ambroson
Becky Anthony
Beverly Apel
Janice Bannister, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Mary K Bartine
Elizabeth Baustian, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Mary Ann Beard
Kristen Benge
Carrie Bening
Brooke A. Benschoter, in honor of Roberta Yoder
Cathy Besh
Connie Boesen
Nancy Bone, in memory of Paula Duncan
Margaret Platt Borgen
Nicole Boyington
Dan Breitbach, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Jamie Buelt, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Phyllis Cacciatore, in honor of Eileen Burtle Gottner
Diane Caldbeck
Marilyn Carroll, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Nancy Cheeseman
Diane Child
Polly L Clark
Holly Craiger
Diane Cutler
Darcy Darrah, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Suzanna de Baca
Sheryl DeMouth
Christine Dietz, in memory of Isabel Dietz
Ardene Downing, in honor of Susan Voss
Marsha and Ellery Duke
Kelly Edmister
Peggy Fisher
Fran Fleck
Robin Fortney, in memory of Lisa Woodson Baughman
Sharon Gaddy-Hanna, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Shawna Gisi
Linda Goeldner
Mary Helen Grace and David Grace
Courtney Maxwell Greene
Cheryl Hamilton, in memory of Verona Johnson
Jan Hardin
Renee Hardman
Lynn Heggen
Barbara L. Hein
Susan Hemminger
Christine Hensley
Mark and Kara Heston (K. Heston Accounting)
Jennifer and Jack Hilmes, in honor of Jackie Hilmes
Dixie Hoekman
Homes of Oakridge Human Services, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Connie Isaacson
Rick and Kelly Isaacson
Linda Jennings
Joanne Johnson
Sandy Benson Johnson/Benson Family Foundation, in memory of Evelyn Adams Benson
Beth Stelle Jones
Amber Juffer
Jane M. Keairns, APR, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Maureen Keehnle
Mary K. Kelly
Lola Kenworthy
Pam Kenyon
Connie Klug
Mary Kramer
Mary F. Kunkel
Sheila Starkovich Lingwall
Marian Lyddon’s Daughters, in memory of Marian Lyddon
Sandy McClelland
Andy McGuire
Susan Vujnovich McRoberts
Reo Menning
Ann Michelson
Joan Middleton
Robyn Mills
Diane Morain
Kurt and Melissa Ness
Charlotte Noble
Katie Gibson Overby
Eliza Ovrom
Nina Socarras Pack, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Teri and Greg Paulline
Gail Pearl
Sally Pederson
Sen. Janet Petersen
Diann M. Peyton
Susan Pogge
Rasmussen Group
Artis Reis
Susy Robinette
Helen Robinson
Katie Roth
Pat Schneider
Pam Schoffner
Kim Shadur, in honor of Alexa MCarthy, PhD
Laurie Betts Sloterdyk, in honor of Connie Wilson
Hallie Still-Caris
Ellen Strachota
Matt and Erin Strawn
Mary Stuart
Gail Stubbs
Sarah Sullivan
Karen Novak Swalwell
Cheryl Sypal
Jana Teachout
Joyce and Harold Templeman
Marsha Ternus
Karen Unrau
Teresa VanVleet-Danos
Terri Vaughan
Marilyn Warling
Fritz Wehrenberg and Jennie LeGates
Deb Wiley and John Schmidt
Dee Willemsen
Jean Williams
Emily Williams-Bouska
Connie Wilson, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Janie Wine
Roberta Yoder
Young Leaders- $125
Jamie Bartine
Julianne Hilmes Bartlett
Rachel Bruns
Jenna Knox, in honor of Laurie Sloterdyk
Ali Makris
Kathleen McGuire
Anne McMahon
Ann-Charlotte Meyer
Rev. Dani Musselman
Anne Roth, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Heather Stuyvesant, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Emily and Maeve Webb
Table Hosts – $750
Sue Caley, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Elizabeth Coonan
Ebony and Ivory Book Club, hosted by Carol Bodensteiner
Sharon Goldford
Mary Gottschalk
L.U.N.A. hosted by Sharon Goldford
Oakridge Neighborhood, hosted by Carol Bodensteiner, in memory of Teree Caldwell-Johnson
Shirley Poertner
Donations – $50+
Anonymous (11)
Lindsey Anderson
Jolene Atkinson, in honor of Teri Hughes-Paulline, LISW
Dodie Bauman
Amy Bingaman
Mary C. Brooks
Sara Brown
Dawn Buzynski, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Eva and David Christiansen
Marta Codina
Joanne Cutler
Kiley Cutler
Marge Doyle
Isabel Drake
Kristi Edwards
Pat Fennelly
Julie Fleming
Marchelle (Max) Gage, in honor of Shirley Poertner
Carol Grant
Jane Hartnett and Don Piegors
Jane M. Hemminger, in honor of Emily Kessinger and Kathy Stuart
Victoria L. Herring
Robert and Dale Howe
Holly Ikenberry, in honor of Ann-Charlotte Meyer and Anne McMahon
Christy Johnson
Rachelle and Jim Keck
Mary Ellen Kimball
Mary Ellen Lewis
Julie McGarvey, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Joan Meek
Kate Milligan, in honor of Dr. Jann Freed and Dr. Ellery Duke
Jean Mountain
Tracy Mullen
Beth Nyguard
Catherine Olesen, in honor of Kathy Reardon
Judy Prochaska, in honor of Teri Hughes-Paulline, LISW
Amy Romanin, in honor of Adam Graber
Laura Sands and Dave Busiek
Rose Ann Schuler
Hilary Tanner
Penny Thomsen, in honor of Carol Bodensteiner
Ann Victor, in honor of Laurie Betts Sloterdyk
Teresa Weidmaier
Tracy Wheeler
Eleanor Zeff
Kent Zimmerman
Media Sponsor
2024 Planning Committee
Stephanie Asklof
Cathy Besh
Annie Brandt
Melissa Cano-Zelaya
Kathy Giles
Shawna Gisi
Sharon Goldford
Kelly Isaacson
Kate Juelfs
Anne Kelly
Paula Kerman
Ann-Charlotte Meyer
Leigh OTool, co-chair
Stephanie Pearl
Shirley Poertner, co-chair
Anne Price McMahon
Kelly Sparks
Susan Voss
Connie Wilson
2024 Underwriting Cabinet
Pam Bass-Bookey
Beth Coonan
Jann Freed
Shayla From
Rachel Hardin
Renee Hardman
Sarah Hayes
Starr Hinrichs
Debbie Hubbell
Connie Isaacson
Andrea James
Emily Kessinger
Claudette McDonald
Katie Patton
Mary M. Riche
Anne Roth
Katie Roth
Kathy Stuart
Marti Wade
Sally Wallace